2017 - 2018 II/IV/VI/VIII - Even Semester Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 64
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-05CIV 208 Fluid mechanicsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05PET 207 Oil and gas explorationPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05ECE-EEE 207 Microprocessor programming and interfacingPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CSE 207 Data base management systemPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05PET 206 Heat and mass transferPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05ECE-EEE 206 Linear integrated circuitsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CSE 206 Microprocessors and microcontrollersPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CIV 206 Transportation engineeringPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05PET 205 Momentum transferPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MEC 205 Structure and properties of materialsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05ECE-EEE 205 Control systemPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CIV 205 Structural analysis - IPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CIV 204 Concrete technology and construction materialsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MEC 203 Fluid mechanics and machinesPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MGT 112 Engineering economicsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MAT 104 Engineering mathematics - IVPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MAT 102 Engineering mathematics – IIPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05CIV 102 Environmental science and disaster managementPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05PHY 101 Engineering physicsPresidency University Bangalore
2018-05MEC 101 Elements of mechanical engineeringPresidency University Bangalore
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 64