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Title: A Reinforcement Learning Integrated in Heuristic search method for self-driving vehicle using blockchain in supply chain management
Authors: N.Nasurudeen Ahamed
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: International Journal of Intelligent Networks
Abstract: Blockchain is a distributed open (Public) ledger that is used to record the transaction across many computers. Blockchain technology can be applied in any domain such as banking, healthcare, real estate, travel, food, and supply chain. In supply chain management to train the self-driving vehicle in blockchain technology also integrate the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Algorithms. In this paper we have proposed Reinforcement learning integrated heuristic search method (RLIH) for self-driving vehicle using blockchain in supply chain management by combining the advantage of reinforcement learning and heuristic search method. RLIH is developed using Decentralized app and result shows that proposed method outperform the existing heuristic search method in term of service time and data traffic.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1749
Appears in Collections:Computer Science Engineering Department

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