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Title: A Review on nanoalloy Clusters: Theory to Applications
Authors: P. Ranjan
Tanmoy Chakraborty
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Bentham Science
Citation: Recent Patents on Engineering
Abstract: Nanoalloy clusters have attracted a lot of attention in recent times and have grown enormously in various domains, ranging from semiconductor, material sciences, biophysics, life sciences to earth sciences. In this report, we presented a review of nanoalloy clusters and their application. The background of clusters, nanoalloys and their isomers, their classification, and potential applications ranging from catalysis, optoelectronics, magnetic to bio-diagnosis are reported. Experimental techniques as well as the importance of theoretical and computational studies in nanoalloy clusters are also presented.
URI: http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/1926
Appears in Collections:Chemistry Department

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