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dc.contributor.authorRajeshwari S
dc.contributor.authorNaveen Kumar S.H
dc.identifier.citationRamanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
dc.description.abstractConsidering the generalization of uniqueness of meromorphic functions of differential monomials, we obtain that if two non-constant meromorphic functions f(z) and g(z) satisfy Ek(1, fnf(k) ) = Ek(1, gng(k) ), where k and n are two positive integers satisfying k ≥ 3 and n ≥ 2k+9, then either f(z) = c1ecz, g(z) = c2e−cz, where c1, c2, c are three constants, satisfying (−1)k(c1c2)nc2k = 1.
dc.format.extent16 (1)
dc.publisherSouth East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
dc.titleUniqueness and its generalization of meromorphic function concerning differential polynomials
Appears in Collections:Mathematics Department

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