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dc.contributor.authorGopala Krishnan
dc.contributor.authorA. Ameer Hussain
dc.identifier.citationIndian Journal of Environmental Protection
dc.description.abstractThe research is aimed at finding out the various factors that are responsible with the intention to segregate solid waste in the household before disposal and the influence of the same to actually segregate solid waste. Theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was used as the base model to study the relationship between different variables of interest. Environmental consciousness and awareness were introduced in the TPB model as the independent variable affecting segregation intention and extended theory of planned behaviour was developed. As a part of the study, a sample of 140 respondents were chosen from the household of Bangalore and questions were asked related to the study. The data collected by field visit was analysed using SPSS and AMOS. The extended theory of TPB was tested by structured equation modelling using AMOS. It was observed that the variance in segregation intention is better explained by introducing environmental consciousness and awareness in TPB model, proving the model fit of the extended theory TPB.
dc.publisherKalpana Corporation
dc.titleA study on the factors influencing segregation of house hold waste by the residents of Bengaluru city
Appears in Collections:Commerce Department

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