SOIS-2022 - 2023 II/IV/VI/VIII - Even Semester (End Term) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 58 of 58
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023CSA2006 - Fundamentals of Software EngineeringPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA2008 - Essentials of Cloud ComputingPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA2002 - Computer OrganizationPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA2004 - Computer NetworksPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA3053 - 3D and Vr Workflows and TheoriesPresidency University, Bangalore
2023MEC2003 - OE2 - Supply Chain ManagementPresidency University, Bangalore
2023ENG1005 - Technical Written CommunicationPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CHE1018 - Environmental SciencePresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA3037 - Game ArchitecturePresidency University, Bangalore
2023MAT1006 - Statistical Methods and TechniquesPresidency University, Bangalore
2023MAT1010 - Fundamenta CalculusPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA3069 - Rendering TechniquesPresidency University, Bangalore
2023MAT2028 - Graph TheoryPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA3020 - Artificial Intelligence for Game DevelopmentPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA3056 - Intelligent Signal ProcessingPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA2001 - Datastructures and AlgorithmsPresidency University, Bangalore
2023BCA215 - Machine LearningPresidency University, Bangalore
2023CSA2021 - Data Warehousing and Data MiningPresidency University, Bangalore
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 58 of 58